Looking for an inexpensive way to add a custom touch to your Easter Decor? These tissue paper decoupage eggs are super easy and very budget friendly!
I’ve always wanted to try decoupage eggs but all of the techniques in tutorials I’ve seen using napkins recommended cutting out the image before decoupaging and that just seemed a little tedious to me! In addition, I couldn’t quite find the right patterns or colors so when I saw this tissue paper at Hobby Lobby I was determined to give it a try!
If you have basic craft supplies on hand, this project can be completed for under $5 per dozen! Beautiful and budget friendly?!?! Let’s get started!
S U P P L I E S :
- Tissue Paper (I used 2 sheets for 1 dozen of eggs)
- Craft Eggs
- Mod Podge (Matte Finish)
- Paint brush
- Scissors
- Wax Paper
- Gloves (for use during decoupage application)
P R O C E S S :
First, cut out pieces of tissue paper. I cut an egg shaped piece about double the size of the egg.
Next, use this piece as a template to cut out the rest of the pieces. If using this size and shape, you will need 2 pieces of tissue paper per egg.
After cutting out the pieces of tissue paper, you’re ready to decoupage! I recommend wearing gloves when you decoupage, it makes clean up a lot easier!
First add a thin layer of Mod Podge to one half of the egg from the top to bottom.
Next, apply one piece of cut tissue paper over the area and flatten against the egg with your fingers.
You can gently shape the tissue paper and cut extra tissue paper off as needed. Then apply another layer of Mod Podge over the entire surface, sealing the tissue paper in place.
Repeat the process with the second piece of tissue paper covering the entire surface of the egg.
Once a thin coat of Mod Podge has been applied over the entire surface, place the eggs on wax paper to dry.
After a few hours, the eggs should be dry and ready to style in your Easter decor!
I Iove the way these turned out and I hope you do too! Please be sure to tag me on social media or send me a message if you try these! I’d love to see your creations!! I have a short video of the process here on Instagram and here on Youtube.
Happy Easter Crafting!!